Sunday, May 10, 2015

This Week at the Capitol: May 11-15

The following is a very brief but important summary of some of the issues that will be discussed and decided this week at the Capitol.  Please try to attend if at all possible.  If you are unable to attend, please be sure to call and email your representative about these important bills!

HB 418, the “paycheck protection bill” will be voted on by the full house on Wednesday.  The payroll protection bill aims stop automatic deductions of union dues for government employees.  This bill passed favorably out of the Committee on Labor and Industrial Relations with a vote of 6-9.  This bill is a top priority for LABI.  Representative Bishop (the sponsor of the bill) claims this is a needed change that will save taxpayer dollars.  Nice sugar coating Rep Bishop, but we now know the truth of the matter about the intentions of this bill, clearly seen in the following video.  This bill IS AIMED AT OUR TEACHERS. Watch this video to see for yourself:

This article from Lafayette Daily advertiser does a great job of explaining the big picture.  

Contact your local State Representative and ask them to vote no on this.  Lets “shut off the aorta" of LABI’s  control of OUR public education system!

The House Education Committee will meet on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.  
This is a link to the full agenda, for both days.  On the agenda are the following bills that are important to our cause:

On Tuesday:
HB21 (Edwards) Schools/Charter
Prohibits the State Boards of Elementary and Secondary Education from authorizing charter schools under certain circumstances.
*Remember what has happened to the Lafayette Parish School Board (severe budget deficit) with the opening of several charters against the will of the Parish. 

HB648 (Schroder)
Provides relative to the access by parents and teachers to assessments administered to students.  

HB718 (Schroder)
Provides relative to the collection and sharing of certain student information.

On Wednesday:

HB113 (Barrow)  Student/ Assessment
Prohibits the administration of standards based assessments to public school students in the 2015-2016 school year.
*LAPACC feels that no matter which "side" you are on with regards to the PARCC test, this would be a very sensible bill which would allow for Louisiana students and teachers to catch a much needed break from testing while all of the details are figured out.  We feel that even with a year long break from testing, there is a good chance students may still learn something (sarcasm intended).

HB373 (Geymann) Student/ Standards
Provides for the implementation of state content standards for public school students subject to legislative approval

HB672 (Harris) Student/Standards
Provides relative to the development, review, and adoption of state content standards and related assessments for public school students.


If it is at all possible for you to make it to Baton Rouge, please consider coming to the capitol.  We  need to “show” that we ARE paying attention and that we care about what is going on.  You can guarantee that organizations like Stand for Children will be there, likely with their bussed in parents.

You can plan to come and testify if you have comments that you would like to make.  If you are not comfortable testifying, you can still submit a red or green card to show your support or opposition for a given bill.  If you are able to make it or not, please be sure to send emails to the House Education Committee members. 

Handy House Ed Email Block:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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